Make any T-Shirt Pattern Maternity Friendly in 2 Easy Steps

T-Shirts are a staple in most maternity wardrobes. But at the price of $20 or more for a simple solid colored one, who can afford more than 1 or 2? If you have a t-shirt pattern that fit you well before pregnancy and about a yard of knit fabric, at $6.50 per yard here, you can easily make your own!

Maternity Merryweather

I used the Merryweather pattern (use the code MaternityMerryweather30 to save 30% through 7/29) and created this shirt in about an hour. Here are the two super-easy steps to creating your own:

1. After cutting out your pattern, extend the hem down 3″ on both the Front and the Back pieces. Then cut out your fabric.

2. After your shirt is sewn together completely, turn it wrong side out.

Cut two pieces of 1/4″ wide elastic 8″ long.


Measure 2″ from your hem on one side seam and mark with a pin. Measure 10.5″ up from the pin and mark with a second pin.


Pin the elastic to the seam allowance with 1/2″ elastic extending beyond the pins on both ends. (There will be 7″ of elastic between the pins.)


Use a serger (with the blade disengaged) or stretch stitch to sew the elastic to the seam allowance, stretching it to fit as you sew.


The finished shirt will have gathered sides with plenty of room for your growing belly <3

Repeat the elastic placement and sewing for the opposite side.

That’s it! If you decide to make your own maternity t-shirt, make sure to share in our chat group with the hashtag #maternitymerryweather. I’ll choose on random winner to receive a free pattern on 7/29!

<3 Jennifer

12 thoughts on “Make any T-Shirt Pattern Maternity Friendly in 2 Easy Steps

  1. Janna says:

    It’s so simple it makes me wonder why I did not think of it sooner. Probably pregnancy brain at the time I needed it 😂

  2. Joyce says:

    This is also excellent for ladies like me that have a tummy due to Ald age spread and pregnancy x3 when I was younger.😄😄😄😄

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